Connecting Knock to your Vercel account

You can use the Knock + Vercel integration to easily synchronize your Knock API keys to one or more Vercel projects. You'll find the Knock Vercel integration in the Vercel marketplace for you to install.

What this integration does

The integration will set the following environment variables against your selected Vercel projects:

  • KNOCK_API_KEY: Set to your Knock secret key (starts with sk_)
  • KNOCK_PUBLIC_API_KEY: Set to your Knock public key (starts with pk_)

Your environment variables will be set with the following Vercel project target mappings. You can read more about environment variables within Vercel in the documentation.

Knock environmentVercel project target
Production["preview", "production"]

Framework-specific environment variables

For certain frameworks, we'll attempt to set the prefix of the KNOCK_PUBLIC_API_KEY on your behalf to ensure that the variable is then exposed in browser / client-side environments.

Currently we offer support for:

  • nextjs
  • blitzjs
  • create-react-app
  • nuxtjs
  • vue
  • gatsby
  • sveltekit

Installing the integration

  1. Click "Add integration" on the Vercel integrations page
  2. Select the Vercel account you want to connect with
  3. Sign into an existing Knock account, or create a new Knock account
  4. Select the Vercel projects that you wish to connect to your Knock account
  5. Click "Continue"
  6. Back in your Vercel dashboard, confirm the environment variables were added by going to your Vercel project > Settings > Environment variables

Uninstalling the integration

You can manage the Knock Vercel integration under your Vercel dashboard under the Integrations tab. From there you can remove the specific integration installation from your Vercel account.

Please note: removing an integration will delete the corresponding API keys set by Knock in your Vercel project(s).