Filtering in-app feeds

Learn how to use Knock's feed filtering to scope in-app feeds to display information relevant to a particular tenant, resource, or individual workflow.

When building an in-app notifications UI, you may wish to filter the notifications a user has received to increase the relevancy of the notifications displayed. This can be useful to power per-tenant notifications in a multi-tenant SaaS application or per-resource notifications to show contextual notifications inside your product.

In this guide, we walk through how to do this by filtering the feed API using the defaultFeedOptions which will filter all of the results returned, including the real-time updates sent to the in-app feed and the badge count for unseen or unread notifications.

Note: the feed client accepts default options, which will be applied in the initial feed fetch and to scope real-time updates. This guide shows examples of setting those defaults. Default values can also be overridden when calling the fetch function as well.

Filtering by tenant

In a multi-tenant SaaS application, individual users might belong to one or more tenants, meaning the notifications they see should be scoped to the tenant they are currently viewing.

For example, imagine we have a user jane in a document editing app. Jane's user profile is connected to multiple workspaces; acme-inc and superior-products. When Jane is active in the acme-inc workspace, she should only see notifications that are relevant for that workspace.

We include this concept in Knock as Tenancy, where workflow triggers can be “tagged” with a particular tenant identifier, which can be used to apply tenant overrides and to scope in-app notifications by the tenant. Let's see how this works in practice.

Triggering our workflow with a tenant
1await knock.workflows.trigger("new-comment", {
2  recipients: ["jane"],
3  data: {
4    pageId:,
5    commentId:,
6  },
7  tenant:,

Now when we render our in-app feed we can scope the feed by the tenant that our user is currently active in:

Rendering our feed with the tenant filter
1// Passed to our component
3  feedId={process.env.KNOCK_FEED_CHANNEL_ID}
4  defaultFeedOptions={{ tenant: "acme-inc" }}
7// Passed to the `useNotifications` hook as `FeedClientOptions`
8useNotifications(knockClient, process.env.KNOCK_FEED_CHANNEL_ID, {
9  tenant: "acme-inc",

By default, filtering by a tenant will include all notifications on the feed that include that tenant or any notifications sent without a tenant identifier. If you need different behavior here, you can pass has_tenant: true which, when combined with the tenant filter, will return only notifications for that tenant.

Filtering by workflow

Sometimes you might want to only show an individual workflow's notifications within an in-app feed for a user. You can use the source filter to achieve this. Let's look at an example.

In our document collaboration application, we only want to return all notifications produced by the new-comment workflow. To do so, we can set the defaultFeedOptions source to be new-comment:

Filtering our in-app feed by source
1// Passed to our component
3  feedId={process.env.KNOCK_FEED_CHANNEL_ID}
4  defaultFeedOptions={{ source: "new-comment" }}
7// Passed to the `useNotifications` hook as `FeedClientOptions`
8useNotifications(knockClient, process.env.KNOCK_FEED_CHANNEL_ID, {
9  source: "new-comment",

It's important to note here that at this time, we don't support filtering by multiple sources.

Filtering by data

You can filter the feed by properties in the data payload to your trigger step. This is a powerful and flexible way to query the feed data you can use to match against entities in your system. Let's look at an example.

Imagine that we want to show all of the comment notifications the current user has received for a given page in our document editing app. In our workflow trigger, we might send the internal identifier from our system as pageId in the data payload:

Triggering a workflow with data
1await knock.workflows.trigger("new-comment", {
2  recipients: recipientIds,
3  data: {
4    pageId:,
5    commentId:,
6  },

Now when we're filtering the feed to be rendered in our application, we can pass the trigger_data filter to defaultFeedOptions.

Filtering our in-app feed by trigger data
1// Passed to our component
3  feedId={process.env.KNOCK_FEED_CHANNEL_ID}
4  defaultFeedOptions={{ trigger_data: { pageId } }}
7// Passed to the `useNotifications` hook as `FeedClientOptions`
8useNotifications(knockClient, process.env.KNOCK_FEED_CHANNEL_ID, {
9  trigger_data: { pageId },

This approach also has some caveats you should be aware of:

  • You can only filter by top-level keys and values in your data payload, meaning it's not possible to query but is possible to query
  • You can only match absolute values for the keys (e.g. no partial matches or other comparison operators are supported)

Learn more about feed filtering

You can see all of the filtering options that the feed takes in the API reference. These are exposed directly to the feed via the FeedClientOptions type that's supported in the constructor for the feed to apply defaults, or in each individual fetch function if you need to override the defaults on an individual fetch basis.