Going to production

Learn how to go to production with your Knock notifications.

This guide gives you a checklist of what's required to ship your Knock notifications to a non-development environment.

What's an environment? Remember that in Knock each environment is logically isolated and shares no data by default. That means users, workflows, and configurations such as API keys won't be shared across your Knock environments.

Going to production checklist

  • Set API keys: your secret and public API keys are unique per environment so you'll need to configure each environment's API keys in your server-side and client-side applications.
  • Synchronize recipient data: you'll need to synchronize any recipient data in your new environment into Knock. All recipient (user and object) data is unique per environment.
  • Push commits: you'll need to push any commits between your environments to ensure that most recent changes to workflows and email layouts are available in the environment. You can do this from the "Commits" tab in the starting environment (e.g. development to push to production).

In-app UI checklist

Additionally, if you're using Knock to power your in-app notifications you'll need to:

  • Generate signing keys: if you're building in-app notifications experience on the client, you'll need to generate a signing key for each environment.
  • Enable enhanced security mode: the generated signing keys will be ignored until you enable enhanced security mode in each environment.
  • Secure your applications: using the generated signing key, you'll need to generate a JWT to secure each user's connection to Knock. Read more on security and authentication.