
Explore our guides and examples to integrate Knock.

What is Knock?

Knock is notifications infrastructure for developers. Use our APIs and dashboard to deliver great notification experiences to your end users, driving customer satisfaction and retention.

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Discover Knock

Getting started

A technical and non-technical introduction to the basics of Knock, and a step-by-step guide to get you going in minutes.


Learn more about the incoming and outgoing integrations for Knock, including supported providers.

Designing workflows

Learn how to design notifications using Knock's workflow builder, then explore advanced features such as batching, delays, and more.

Managing recipients

Learn more about how to manage notification recipients with Knock.


Learn how to power notification preferences with Knock.

Building in-app UI

Use the Knock in-app experiences APIs and components to build rich notifications experiences inside of your product.

Developer tools

Use our powerful developer tools in order to integrate Knock seamlessly into your development workflow.

Manage your account

Learn more about the tools available in managing your Knock account.