Email notifications with Knock

Effortlessly design and deliver email notifications to downstream providers, without the need to keep HTML templates in your backend codebase.


  • Easy to get started, and extend: Knock email notifications look great out of the box. We include sensible, well tested, default responsive styles so you can get up and running quickly across all major email clients. Check out the Settings page to learn about available configuration options.
  • Block based visual editor: Don't want to write HTML? No problem! You can use our drag-and-drop visual editor to get started.
  • Fully flexible templates and styling: If you need to write custom HTML or CSS you can drop down to a raw code editor to create your email messages. You're never constrained to the templates Knock provides.
  • CSS inlining: By default, Knock will inline all CSS included with your emails to ensure maximum compatibility across email clients.
  • Text generation: We'll automatically generate a text version of your emails, so you never need to write both HTML and text templates.
  • Multiple layouts: We support any number of emails layouts that can "wrap" your email templates and provide styles and shared elements like headers and footers.
  • Attachments support: It's easy to send attachments alongside your emails, just pass through some Base64 encoded data along with your workflow.trigger call and you're done!
  • Link and open tracking: Capture link-click and email-open events right within your Knock account. For more details, see the Knock link and open tracking guide.

Supported providers

Knock currently supports sending email notifications to the following email providers:

If you want us to add a new provider to this list, please let us know through the feedback button at the top of this page.