SMS settings and overrides

Overriding the default to number

By default Knock will send your SMS messages to the phone_number property stored on the recipient for the workflow run. If you need to override this, you can do so by setting the to field in the SMS template settings.

As an example, if you wanted to send an SMS to a single number, you could set the to field to either a static value (like +1234567890) or a dynamic value (like {{ data.phone_number_to_override }}).

Provider JSON overrides

Sometimes you may want to customize the API call Knock sends to your SMS provider. A good example of this is passing custom arguments as part of the API payload, or using another feature of the provider that Knock doesn't support out of the box.

To set JSON overrides for your SMS template, you can go to the "Template settings" at the top of the template editor.